!= | Boolean numeric unequality |
% | Integer remainder |
& | Bitwise and |
' | |
* | Numeric product |
+ | Numeric addition |
- | Numeric substraction |
/ | Numeric quotient |
: | Integer exact division |
< | Boolean less-than comparison |
<= | Boolean less-than-or-equal comparison |
== | Boolean numeric equality |
> | Boolean more-than comparison |
>= | Boolean more-than-or-equal comparison |
@ | Numeric power |
AND | Boolean conjunction |
BRK | Breaks a compound object |
CALV | Execute a variable's content |
CAT | Concatenes two compound objects |
CLRSTK | Clears the stack |
COMP | Boolean type test for a compound object |
DEC | Numeric 1-decrementation |
DELV | Undefines a variable |
DEP | Depth of the stack |
DROP | Drops the first object on stack |
DROPN | Drops the N first object on stack |
DUMP | Prints the stack |
DUP | Duplicates the first object on stack |
DUPN | Duplicates the N first objects on stack in order |
EQL | Tests if two objects are equal |
ERR | Aborts with specified error |
EXEC | Execution of a portion of code |
EXSV | Tells wether a variable is defined |
FLSE | Always False |
FLTP | Boolean type test for a float |
GET | Gets an object by its position in a compound object |
GRP | Builds a compound object |
GSZ | Size of a compound object |
HELP | Returns the description of a builtin |
IF | 'If then' control structure |
IFE | 'If then else' control structure |
INC | Numeric 1-incrementation |
INTG | Boolean type test for an integer |
ISDEF | Tells wether first object on stack is not 'undef' |
LOOP | Loops until code execution return false |
NOP | Does nothing |
NOT | Boolean negation |
OBJ | Parse a string into objects |
OR | Boolean disjunction |
PEEK | Gets the object on level stack[0] |
POKE | Puts the object stack[1] on level stack[0] |
PONG | Inserts the object stack[1] on level stack[0] |
PRINT | Prints an object |
PRINTLN | Prints an object and \n |
PRINTSTR | Prints a string with \[abfnrt] converted |
RCLV | Recalls a variable's value |
RND | Rounds a number |
ROLSTK | Rolls down the last object on stack, if any |
ROTSTK | Rolls up the first object on stack, if any |
STOV | Stores a value in a variable |
STR | Makes a string from an object |
STRG | Boolean type test for a string |
SWAP | Swaps the two first objects on stack |
TRUE | Always True |
UNDEF | Pushes 'undef' |
VARS | Lists all existing variables |
^ | Bitwise xor |
| | Bitwise or |
~ | Bitwise 1-complement |